66 research outputs found

    Online analytical processing (OLAP)

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    Big Data mining is the capacity of getting valuable data from expansive datasets or floods of information. Huge Data has new elements of 5Vs i.e. Volume, Variety, Velocity, Variability and quality. For Big Data, there is a HACE hypothesis it implies Big Data begins with heterogeneous vast measure of information, self-sufficient sources with circulated and decentralized control and attempt to discover complex and advancing connections among information. Big Data system incorporates three levels for handling i.e. information getting to and figuring (Tier I), information protection and space learning (Tier II) and Big Data mining calculations (Tier III). There are numerous devices for Big Data like Apache Hadoop, Apache Pig, Cascading, Scribe, Apache Base, Apache S4, Storm, Apache Mahout, MOA, R, Vowpal Wabbit and Graph lab. This proposal is pushes to give an answer for enhance the versatility and reaction times of the RDF inquiry motors. The issue is significant to the appearance of the Semantic web, which is still a dream. We target SPARQL which is a RDF inquiry dialect that has been benchmarked by SP2Bench for execution and versatility. Our speculation is based after utilizing a MapReduce model of parallelization for quick and adaptable conveyed SPARQL question motor, which beats the benchmarks genius voided by SP2Bench. We quickly contemplated the current writing to find out about various methodologies that have been utilized by the specialists and enterprises. We developed ARQ, which is a SPARQL motor gave by the Jena system, to utilize a circulated question handling approach taking into account the Hadoop structure, which gives a simple usage of MapReduce. We talked about in point of interest the current Jena ARQ outline and the configuration modifications expected to make it conveyed. We clarified the calculation for Basic Graph Pattern coordinating utilizing a MapReduce model. We have presented novel procedures of enhancing the RDF question motor, which are based upon record ordering and pre-calculation of joins. We assessed our execution and advancement techniques utilizing tests and performed investigation of the outcomes by contrasting it and the SP2Bench benchmarks

    A Regression model of traffic noise intensity in metropolitan city using artificial neural networks

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    The major contribution of the traffic noise, towards overall noise pollution scenario, is a well-known established fact. Traffic noise from roadways creates problems for surrounding areas, especially when there are high traffic volumes and high speeds. Vehicular traffic noise problem as contributed by various kinds of vehicles like heavy, medium trucks/buses, automobiles and two wheelers. Many western countries have developed different prediction models based on Leq and other characteristics. In India, the transportation sector is growing rapidly and number of vehicles on Indian roads is increasing at very fast rate. This has led to overcrowded roads and pollution. So, there is a need to develop a noise prediction model suitable for the Indian conditions. The present work discusses the fundamentals of acoustics and analysis of road traffic noise. A Regression based mathematical model is developed for a site at Mahatma Gandhi road (Ring road), Delhi. A large number of sets of data were recorded for 15 minutes’ duration at different dates/timings in a random manner in order to account for statistical temporal variations in traffic flow characteristics. The noise measurement parameter Leq is to be recorded. Sound level meter (Lutron SL -4030) was used for these measurements. In this mathematical model, this is used for predicting Leq level included Total vehicle volume/hr, Percentage of heavy vehicles and Average vehicle speed. The Noise levels Leq used in regression analysis for prediction. It was seen that value of R2 found to be within limits. The paired t-test was also carried out successfully for goodness-of-fitness

    Marketing of Services: Challenges & Opportunities in Today’s Global Competitive Business Environment

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    Service is any act or performance that one party offers to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in any ownership. The majorities of the challenges in service marketing arises from the basic characteristics of services like intangibility, heterogeneity, inseparability and perishability and are constantly known as IHIP. These characteristics have been staples of service research for more than two decades. All of these characteristics poses specific challenges and requires explicit strategies. This paper presents a conceptual frame work summarizing the exclusive characteristics of services, the challenges occurs from these characteristics and strategies suggested as appropriate to conquer the issues. Today almost every service organization is facing the marketing challenges in global business environment due to the basic characteristics of services. In spite of the fact that various studies have been conducted in the area of services marketing, there is a great need to further authenticate different models and recommendations due to considerable changes in business environment. Most of the studies focus on comparing differences in buyer characteristics and only few compare how goods and services relate to their markets based on these differences. Even the literature, providing marketing implication arising out of the goods-services distinction and suggesting marketing strategies, suffers from certain drawbacks. The services marketing literature doesn‘t uncover the most critical problems facing most service firms today. This paper is a pure academic attempt to uncover these critical problems faced by many firm today

    Soil Stabilization using Pro-base Technology

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    Roads are the lifeline of the nation and hence a road must be of better quality which could make effective land access possible. According to a research conducted in Sri Lanka, if you want to rescue a village from poverty, 10-20 years of educational subsidy might not work, but if the same amount of money is funneled on road infrastructure development, you can see results within 2 years. An effective road network ensures efficient delivery of goods and transportation of people, directly contributing to the economic growth of the region. Due to economic reasons in developing nations like India, it is not possible to make paved roads especially in rural areas. These areas are mostly connected by the use of unpaved roads called as earth road or soil roads. But there are many problems associated in building these roads particularly like deterioration of the surface usually by rutting and formation of potholes, dusty in dry state and muddy during wet state. The basis of this report is to make aware about the non-traditional soil stabilization technique using Probase SH-85 Soil Hardener for hardening soil of any type and TX-85 Soil Stabilizer & Strengthener for stabilizing unstable soil and at last sealing it by spraying with Probase PB-65 Soil Sealant on soil surface. The Probase Road System ensures making soil road no longer dusty and muddy. These products are free from toxins and are environmental friendly unlike bitumen, soil-cement, lime and asphalt roads. Probase soil stabilizer will hence not only help in stabilizing the soil but will also reduce maintenance and construction cost, along with ensuring that the roads remain open and well operational in rainy season and dust-free in dry season that is to make it an all-weather road

    Evaluation the Quality of Software Design by Call Graph based Metrics

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    The prediction of software defects was introduced to support development and maintenance activities to improve the software quality by finding errors early in the software development. It facilitates maintenance in terms of effort, time and more importantly the cost prediction for software evolution and maintenance activities. In this paper, we evaluate the quality related attributes in developed software products. The software call graph model is also used for several applications in order to represent and reflect the degree of their complexity in terms of understandability, testability and maintainability efforts. The extracted metrics are investigated for the evaluated applications in correlation with bugs collected from customers bug reports. Those software related bugs are compiled into datasets files to use as an input to a data miner for classification, prediction and association analysis. Finally, the analysis results is evaluated in terms of finding the correlation between software products bugs and call graph based metrics. We find that call graph based metrics are appropriate to detect and predict software defects so that the activities of testing and maintenance stages become easier to estimate or assess after the product delivery

    Decolorization of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical 3-Nitroformazans using Coriolus Versicolor

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    Natural as well as synthetic dyes are well known and used for dyeing of various materials. Most common use of dyestuffs is in textile industry. Proper decolourisation and disposal of waste water from dyeing industry is an important issue. Symmetrical nitroformazans constitute a special class of azo-hydrazone dyes which have found application in dyeing industry. These dyes are a major cause of water pollution and need to be removed or destroyed before the disposal of waste water from dyestuff industry. Several methods like physical, chemical and biological have been reported for removal of dye in waste water. The commonly used physico- chemical techniques are costly, less efficient and are liable to interference by other waste water constituents. In the present study fungus, Coriolus versicolor was used for decolourisation of 3-nitro-1,5-diarylformazans. Maximum decolourisation of dye was observed after 96 hours incubation and minimum after 24 hour incubation

    A Progressive step towards classical uses of Medicinal Plants in Gynecological Disorders

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    In India women do not share their Gynecological problems with their family members and not even with her neighbours at early stage of diseases. Generally they share their problems with local practitioners, because there is less chances to disclose their problems in society, another benefit is that local practitioners treat them by local herbal remedies at very low cost. Mostly this work is exploration of different Ayurvedic scriptures for Gynecological problems. About 77 medicinal plants have been recorded having basonyms and latin names of the plants, family, therapeutic uses and their references in different scriptures of Ayurveda and ethno botany. The present study is very much significant to practitioners in their practices and also for researchers to find out the various active phytochemicals and pharmacological agents as a potent drug in the field of Ayurveda

    Network Reconfiguration in Distribution System by Software Simulation for Loss Reduction

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    The main aim of the distribution companies is to reduce their operating costs to get ahead of competition. One of the most popular approach is to increase the degree of reliability of distribution system. The management of network defeats (e.g. earth fault, short circuits) offers a lot of feasibilities for automation. The main jobs are fault localization, fault detachment and system refurbishing. The network manipulator needs excellent knowledge about the controlled network area to accomplish these tasks efficiently. In this paper a fault management system is described which magnifies the reliability of the system with the help of network reconfiguration. The fault localization, segregation and refurbishing allowance to remedy the operator from these demanding tasks during network defeats. This paper present a CYMDIST based analysis for the loss minimization problem. This method is tested in 11 KV distribution systems for loss minimization

    Impacto del E-learning en el Sector de la Educación Superior durante la pandemia del COVID-19 a través de herramientas de la Pedagogía: Un estudio observacional

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    La manera física i l'educació superior a tot el món es recuperen durant la pandèmia de COVID-19. Totes les activitats educatives es van convertir a la manera en línia, on especialment els sectors d'educació superior no estaven preparats i, simultàniament, noves tècniques pedagògiques es van incorporar a la possibilitat d'impartir classes en línia. El propòsit d'aquest estudi va ser el desenvolupament de noves eines pedagògiques i la seva implementació en els sectors d'educació superior. La pandèmia de COVID-19 ens va ensenyar com usar la nova tecnologia i l'avanç en l'educació superior i el que pot ser millor per a aquesta societat. Per a complir amb aquest objectiu, realitzem una enquesta en la qual preguntem sobre l'impacte de les noves eines pedagògiques en els sectors d'educació superior i les seves opinions sobre diferents aspectes de l'educació en línia durant els períodes de pandèmia. El qüestionari es va preparar i va distribuir en els sectors d'educació superior i va analitzar els punts de vista dels enquestats i les seves opinions sobre les eines pedagògiques i les dades. Les següents dades van ser analitzats utilitzant el programari SPSS 2.0 per a l'estudi. Els enquestats procedien de les següents dades en diverses regions del nord de l'Índia. Es van distribuir un total de 350 qüestionaris; dels quals es van rebre 320. Es va utilitzar l'Escala Likert de 5 punts, on 01 representava "totalment en desacord" i una puntuació de 5 representava "Totalment d'acord".El modo físico y la educación superior en todo el mundo se recuperan durante la pandemia de covid-19. Todas las actividades educativas se convirtieron al modo en línea, donde especialmente los sectores de educación superior no estaban preparados y, simultáneamente, nuevas técnicas pedagógicas se incorporaron a la posibilidad de impartir clases en línea. El propósito de este estudio fue el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas pedagógicas y su implementación en los sectores de educación superior. La pandemia de covid-19 nos enseñó cómo usar la nueva tecnología y el avance en la educación superior y lo que puede ser mejor para esta sociedad. Para cumplir con este objetivo, realizamos una encuesta en la que preguntamos sobre el impacto de las nuevas herramientas pedagógicas en los sectores de educación superior y sus opiniones sobre diferentes aspectos de la educación en línea durante los períodos de pandemia. El cuestionario se preparó y distribuyó en los sectores de educación superior y analizó los puntos de vista de los encuestados y sus opiniones sobre las herramientas pedagógicas y los datos. Los siguientes datos fueron analizados utilizando el software SPSS 2.0 para el estudio. Los encuestados procedían de los siguientes datos en varias regiones del norte de la India. Se distribuyeron un total de 350 cuestionarios; de los cuales se recibieron 320. Se utilizó la Escala Likert de 5 puntos, donde 01 representaba "totalmente en desacuerdo" y una puntuación de 5 representaba "Totalmente de acuerdo".El modo físico y la educación superior en todo el mundo se recuperan durante la pandemia de covid-19. Todas las actividades educativas se convirtieron al modo en línea, donde especialmente los sectores de educación superior no estaban preparados y, simultáneamente, nuevas técnicas pedagógicas se incorporaron a la posibilidad de impartir clases en línea. El propósito de este estudio fue el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas pedagógicas y su implementación en los sectores de educación superior. La pandemia de covid-19 nos enseñó cómo usar la nueva tecnología y el avance en la educación superior y lo que puede ser mejor para esta sociedad. Para cumplir con este objetivo, realizamos una encuesta en la que preguntamos sobre el impacto de las nuevas herramientas pedagógicas en los sectores de educación superior y sus opiniones sobre diferentes aspectos de la educación en línea durante los períodos de pandemia. El cuestionario se preparó y distribuyó en los sectores de educación superior y analizó los puntos de vista de los encuestados y sus opiniones sobre las herramientas pedagógicas y los datos. Los siguientes datos fueron analizados utilizando el software SPSS 2.0 para el estudio. Los encuestados procedían de los siguientes datos en varias regiones del norte de la India. Se distribuyeron un total de 350 cuestionarios; de los cuales se recibieron 320. Se utilizó la Escala Likert de 5 puntos, donde 01 representaba "totalmente en desacuerdo" y una puntuación de 5 representaba "Totalmente de acuerdo"